This week has been hard. Visiting mum is hard. I can feel that I’m tired, edging a little towards burnout. Ram Dass’s saying about life that “we’re all just walking each other home” sounds so sweet. But as always, the reality is different. The reality of being with someone who is frankly not loving residential care life (no matter how good that care is) seems more brutal than sweet.
So I’m going easy this Sunday. Just a short blog and this image which I’m a bit in love with, of the blend of two things I find beautiful and restorative. Full moons and labyrinths.
Every time I walk a labyrinth, I think this time I will fully understand its elaborate geometry, its pattern of winding paths. It’s not a maze, it’s a single curved path into the centre, and out again. I walk around it as if I’m following the curves and kinks of my brain. But in truth I never work it out. I just walk it, and am always surprised when I reach the centre, or reach the exit.
Snapped on Friday night was a cheeky shot of the full moon as I was waiting for my Uber home. I’d been at a Fleetwood Mac tribute band, soaking up the fun. Getting a Friday night lift. I super-imposed the full-moon image on a labyrinth because it seemed fancy, then it seemed magic. Just like the labyrinth itself.
Happy Solstice.